• Rejoining and Rejuvenating the couple’s relationship
• Equip the couple with tools to make good choices • Access to information to keep the communication going
• Caring members of the Reach Team who can listen to the couple • Heal, Hug, Help future military couples benefit from Reach
The couples had a great time!
Many couples were rejuvenated!
Reach is a new opportunity for Military couples. This exclusive event is designed for the Veteran, who has experienced deployment and their Spouse, who has held down the home front.
We all know the excitement of seeing our loved one come home. They are finally safe and out of harm’s way. Yet the challenge of coming back together as a couple has no owner’s manual. This population of Americans is very small. Still the impact of these deployments can be and often is very tough on the veteran, the spouse and the family.
Reach was born out of the desire to equip the returning veteran on how to overcome the challenges associated with coming home and rejoining the family. In addition, for the spouse who stayed home and had to make things work during the deployment. We know the spouse did their best and they too will be equipped to overcome the challenges associated with having their partner return.
Reach is a choice first and foremost. Reach participants will have to decide to attend. By design, Reach is geared for those who want to make things work. The love and respect for each other, the relationship, and the family are all driving factors of what will help with the transition. Reach is simply a tool in their arsenal to help them succeed in the mission of having a strong and rewarding relationship. There is no doubt the couple learned to live through difficult situations and developed endurance.
Reach is there for the final stretch. The stretch that test can us all.
Next Retreat Scheduled: May 16-18, 2025. Click Here for more information about the Retreat.
9650 Strickland Road, Suite 103-278 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615, United States
Your support and contributions will enable us to "Reach" our Military Couples and their Families