By participating in Lights of Gratitude, you will be creating a magical Christmas for several NC Military Families!
Each decorated Christmas Tree will be donated to a very deserving Military Family here in the NC area.
These Christmas trees will have decorations donated and decorated by local community groups, businesses, civic organizations, school groups, and individual families. The beautifully decorated trees will be on display and open to the public for viewing and voting on their favorite trees. Online voting will also be available; December (Dates & Times TBA)
Thursday Dec 4, 3pm - 7pm
Friday, Dec 5, 11am - 8pm
Saturday, Dec 6, 3pm - 8pm
1st, 2nd, 3rd Place: Voted on by the Public
Best in Show ! Voted on by Panel of Judges
Registration Form (see next section below)
$25 Registration Fee. (covers packing materials for preparing fully decorated trees to be delivered to the military family)
Pre-Lit Undecorated Trees will be provided by SUSAF
See Guidelines and Rules. Link provided below.
Registration Fee will cover cost to move the donated trees to each Military Family
9650 STRICKLAND RD, STE 103-278, Raleigh, NC 27615, us